Friday 25 January 2013

Test Shots

On Monday, myself and my sister (cover artist) went out to take some test shots to help me get used to using the camera (Cannon 600D) and practise my editing skills using photoshop. The pictures and screen shots are listed below.

 Lastly, here is a picture using the 'fish eye' lens that I used when experimenting with different lenses.

Props and Mis-en-scene

 Here are a few pictures of some of the Mis-en-scene (clothes and accessories) that I picked from for the different outfits that will be used on the front cover, contents page and double page spread of my magazine.

Cover Artist

Here is a picture of my cover artist Maria (Sister). I have to use her as my cover artists instead, as the artist I originally wanted to use did not get back to me on time (Angel). However, since the magazine requires at least four different pictures, there is still room to take other images if my original artists decides to get back to me at a later date.

Shot List..

Media studies shot list by XPRESHX on GoAnimate

Animation Software - Powered by GoAnimate.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Worlde - R&B

Here are some words I feel are associated with music and my chosen (Rhythm and Blues) Genre. I decided to put them into a collage of words using

Photography Lesson with Mr

In today’s lesson, myself and the other media studies students were lucky enough to have a session with a professional photographer. He showed us many Photo editing skills through Photoshop and some really useful techniques to help us get the best out of a photo shoot. We played around with the SLR cameras and lighting also.  Down below are a few of the images that I took and will prcatise editing them with photoshop.




Tuesday 22 January 2013

Peer Assesmet For Flatplans

(NOTE: I had to use Leyla, my class mates prezi account as the website would not allow me to create my own account on the school computers but this however is all my own work). #

Monday 21 January 2013

Flant Plan For Double Page Spread

This is the flat plan for my double page spread. I was really fond of this one as it was quite different to the usual double page spread found in regular music magazines. I chose to set mine out in this way as it allows me to incorporate more pictures into my magazine where as a normal double page spread usually only has one-two images. Again my DPS continues on with the theme of being very simple with a pop of colour which again is found in the pink dress of my feature. 

Flat Plan Contents Page

Here is the flat plan for my contents page. Through research I have found that the contents pages of R&B magazines are all different. The one that I analysed which was the 'Kanye West' VIBE magazine edition was very simple with limited colours but still had one pop of colour which was the red heart. This is what I have found in the majority of R&B magazines so I incorporated it in mine again with the clothing and I kept the rest plain and simple so its easy to read. 

Flat Plan Front Cover

Here is my flat plan for the front cover of my magazine. Through my research I have found that front covers of the majority of R&B based magazines are very plain with a pop of colour which in this case is the hair and the clothing. I have tried to incorporate a microphone in mine to ensure that potential buyers are aware that its music not fashion based. The name of the magazine 'Sound Proof' also helps to do this.

Monday 14 January 2013

Further Market Research - Survey

To add to my market research I decided to make a survey and post it on twitter to see what people thought. 12 people took the survey and further down you can find the results. I used to conduct the survey.

Here is a screen shot of what the survey looked like and of the website
Media Market Research Questions
Front Cover:
What draws you to the front cover of a music magazine the most?
·         The main Image (4)
·         Smaller Images
·         Stand Out font (3)
·         Headlines and Cover Stories(2)
·         The Price (Low)(3)
Do you prefer large amounts of text to images or more images to text?
(7/12 preferred more text and 5/12 preferred more images)
What type of shot do you prefer for the main Image?
·         Close up
·         Medium close up (6)
·         Mid shot (6)
What would you say is a reasonable price for a music magazine?
·         £1-2 (9)
·         £2-3 (3)
·         £4+  (0)
Double Page Spread:
Do you prefer a main image or lots of smaller images on a double page spread?
(Most people preferred one main image)
Where do you prefer the main image to be?
·         Middle (3)
·         Left (5)
·         Right (4)
Do you prefer more text than there are images, more images than there is text or a good balance of both?
(Everyone picked a good balance of both)
What Colour Scheme is more appealing?
·         Bold and Bright (5)
·         Calm and Subtle but Bold (7)

R&B Mood Board and Popular Artists...

From this mood board it is clear so see some of the main conventions of R&B magazines.
What I have noticed is that the majority of R&B magazines do not photograph their cover artists with musical props such as microphones and instruments.
I have also noticed that most of the shots used are midshots in order to get the artists clothing in as the public like to see what current artists are wearing and the latest fashion trends.
The cover artists in R&B magazines are usually the centre of attention and are placed in the middle with no smaller cover images located at the bottom or sides of the front cover which can be found in music magazines aimed at younger target audiences such as 'we love pop' magazine, as this age group needs more images and bright bold colours to draw in their attention where as the more  mature audience which R&B magazines are aimed at wouldn't appreciate it as much. 

Character Profile - Layla

  • Layla is 17 years old 
  • Layla lives in South London with her Mother and two sisters Sarah and Maisie 
  • Layla is currently in college studying Maths, Music, Sport and History
  • She listens to music everyday whenever she can and her favourite genre of music is R&B/(Rap)
  • She finds music relaxing and therapeutic 
  • Her favourite artist at the moment is Chris Brown
  • Layla is majorly influenced by the artists she listens to and decided to get her lip pierced because of him 
  • Layla likes going to concerts and events where here favourite artists will be so she can hear exclusive tracks
  • Layla collects posters (some from magazines) and images of artists she liked to put up around her room 
  • Layla says she doesn't know what she would do If music did not exist... 

R&B Market Research..

The R&B genre of music is targeted at young adults between the ages of 16 - 25 however, some people from the older generations are still fond of the sound as it is what a lot of them grew up listening to when they where younger.

I asked a few people to tell me what they wanted to see in an R&B based magazine, what they liked, disliked and would possibly change on the front covers listed below and why. My findings are listed below. 

Person 1: "In an R&B  music magazine I would like to find out more about the artists life behind the music as well as the latest shows, giggs, album releases and tour dates. I find that this helps me get to know the artists as real people rather than these 'always-perfect' looking celebrities seen day to day headlining news papers and on our TV screens". 

Person 2: "I would like to see lots of information on the artists and long detailed interviews with lots of good quality pictures".

(From this I have decided to try and put at least one cover line on the front of my magazine concerning my chosen artists personal life to draw the readers in and make them want to find out more)

Person 1: "I really like the front cover of this magazine as the genre is clearly stated in large fonts on the left hand corner which automatically lets me know what I will be getting. I like the fact that the cover stories are not all over the artists face and are carefully organised to one side. Also, I'm a really big fan of the cover artist which would automatically push me in the direction of buying the magazine in order to find out more about her". 

Person 2: "I like the shot (extreme close up) as this is difficult to pull off without being invasive and shows the quality of the magazine".

(From this I have learnt that potential buyers like to know exactly what they are getting so making it clear what genre of music the magazine will consist of is very important. Also, I will try and have a clear structure to my magazine and ensure that text is big, bold, eye-catching and does not spread all over the cover artists face and ensure the cover shot is clear and of good quality)

Person 1: "What I dislike about the magazine is that the cover stories are not very interesting or appealing to me mainly due to the fact that there are no cover pictures to go with it making it quite bland and not as appealing as it could be. This not good as if the cover artist was someone I was not familiar with, since there are no other pictures on the cover of the magazine I would not be making a purchase". 

Person 2: "I think the white font is too small and the quantity of text is too large which is quite off putting".

(From this I have learnt to make sure that I include smaller images on my front cover as well as the main image of the cover artists as readers like to get a glimpse of the other artists that will be featuring in the magazine. Also I will ensure that the cover stories are short and snappy with a good size font making it easy to read)

Person 1: "I really like the colour scheme of the magazine and the layout keeps the cover artist central but at the same time discloses a lot of information without overshadowing her".

Person 2: "The medium shot allows us to see the artists clothing as well as her face which is appealing to me as I like to see the latest fashion trends popular artists are wearing.  Also, the cover lines are very interesting and make me want to read whats inside".

(From this I have learnt that readers of this genre like to see a colour scheme that fits well together and not just random colours that don't blend nicely. I will also try and include some good styling as some readers are also interested in clothing and fashion as well as the music itself)

Person 1: "I don't like the fact that there are no visuals which reveal what the inside of the magazine could be like e.g. pictures of other features and stories".

Person 2: "I would prefer it if there were smaller images on the front cover as I am not the biggest fan of Janet Jackson so having other artists on the front cover could potentially persuade me to buy".

(Again, I have learnt that readers like to see smaller images as well as the main image to get a glimpse of what else could be inside. I will try and do this by ensuring that my magazine has more than just the cover artist). 

Sunday 6 January 2013

Playing Around With Photoshop..

I was looking through some old files on my computer and this is what I came across. When I was in year 7, one of my English assignments was to design my own chocolate bar advert for a 'magazine' and this is the one I designed. 

Last year my media teacher suggested that I play around with photoshop a bit more in order for me to become more confident when using the programme since this is the software I will be using to make my final magazine cover and double page spread. 

I then decided that I would try and re-create my advert but using photoshop instead. It took forever but I now feel a bit more comfortable with the software and the tools that come with it. 

'Express yourself without saying a word, feel good inside with the NEW exciting licious bar go forth and shine!'

'VIBE' Analysis - Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread..

In this post I will be analyzing the front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads of two music magazines. The second magazine I will be focusing on is 'VIBE'(the first analysis can be found on a separate post).  

On this issue of vibe there is a consistent colour scheme which consists of pink/red and blue and some if not all of these colours can be found on the contents page and double page spread listed below.

The 'VIBE' masthead is very large, bold and stands out a lot catching the readers attention. The inside of the magazine does not really continue in this way as most of the pictures and themes are black and white.

The cover artist 'Kanye West' is photographed using a medium close up allowing us to expression and detail on his face but also to get a glimpse of clothing and styling.

The masthead is large but is placed behind the cover star which goes against the usual conventions of a magazine cover. However, this is considered acceptable in this case as the magazine is already established and already has consistent consumers who are familiar with it.

In my music magazine, I will not be placing my masthead behind as people may get confused and it may become unclear as to what the title of the magazine actually is.

 The cover lines are conventionally placed on the sides/corners of the magazine and on this cover they are placed in a neat and orderly fashion with few words covering the main image.

In this issue, the contents page consists of a large mid shot image of the rapper Kanye West. Even though he is placed more to the left than in the centre of the page, the image still appears to take up the majority of the space. 

The image of Kanye has been printed in black and white/grey scale making the page look quite mysterious and different from the majority of contents pages which usually have many bold colours and numbers.

However, there is one bold colour which is the heart located on the right hand side of him. Holding this heart is a female however, the readers are unable to see her face. This adds to the mysteriousness of the contents page and is a technique to gain readers curiosity and interest. 

The text in the right colour is black some words printed in bold letters. The font is quite small and not very eye catching as it is unable to read from a far distance. This again highlights the mature target audience that this magazine caters for. 

The expression on the feature Kanye's face highlights him as being a very serious character as his expression is quite bland and shows no emotion. This could be a representation of Kanye's musical work ethic. 

When compared with the contents pages of many other magazines, it is clear to see that 'VIBE' does not really follow the conventions of a typical magazine which are usually very bold and eye catching fonts, images and headlines and large numbers in order to help the readers find the pages they are looking for quickly effectively. Contents pages are also usually loaded with smaller images to entice potential buyers into wanting to read the magazine but this one only has the one main image.

However, I believe that this was purposely in order for the magazine to gain a sense of individuality rather than sticking to the 'rules' like many magazines do.

This double Page spread from Vibe magazine features Solange Knowles. 
The main image has been place on the right hand side of the spread and her dress is a bold red which is very eye catching. The smaller pictures behind the main image are in black and white, drawing the readers focus on the larger image rather than anything else on the page. The fact that the background is plain and light also helps to highlight the main image. 

The main image is not placed on the line where the magazine folds but on a fresh page with plenty of room as there is less writing since there is a long shot of Solange already.

On this double page spread, the layout is very simple and the use of very few colours are applied which are red and blue - a continuation from the front cover and contents page. 
In all the pages of the magazine the colours are neutral with one or maybe two bold colours

The fact that there is quite a large amount of writing suggests that this magazine is targeted at a more mature audience who do not need to be entertained as much by pictures e.g. teen magazines which are usually bursting with bold electric colours. 

There is also a pull quote which has been used to catch the eye of the reader as it is in bold, stand out letters making the audience curious as to what the interview may be about.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Local Artist - Sirach 'Angel' Charles

One of my favourite artists is Sirach Charles formally known by his stage name 'Angel'.

I have decided to research him as he is a very current and local artist who I believe to be extremely talented.

25 year old Angel is a singer, song writer, rapper, multi instrumentalist and producer from West Londons Shepherd's Bush who started singing at a very young age in a group with his brothers and sisters called 'The Charles Family'. 

When the group decided to go their own ways, Sirach managed to land himself a publishing deal with Universal as a song writer and has written many songs (even some number 1's!) for major artists such as Rihanna, Pixie Lott, Wiley, Roll Deep and many others.

 His hit single 'Wonderful' peaked at number 9 on the UK singles 
chart and topped the UK R&B Chart.

Angel and his brother Charlie proudly posing with the plaque
 as 'Wonderful' hit number 1 on the R&B chart

Angel released his first mixtape 'Patience is a virtue' in 2010 which included popular tracks such as 'take my place' and 'forget about it'.

During 2011 Angel released two more mixtapes'7 Minutes Before Time' and 'Any Minute Now' which included features such a Wretch 32 and up coming artist Cleo Sol.

Angel and good friend Wretch 32

More recently, on December 24th Angel released his latest mix tape 'In between time' as an early christmas present for his fans   which included features from Wiley, Giggs, A-star, Cherise Roberts and many more.

Late last year Sirach was given the opportunity to perform at UK's MOBO Awards. His performance included a live band and special effects which got the crowd going and brought out a positive reaction from the audience.

Angel was also given the opportunity to feature on the children in need song 'Wish I belonged' which sales helped to raise money for the charity and bring forth awareness.

Angel, Stooshe, Tyler and Fazer rehearsing 
their children in need song

October last year Angel also surprised his fans by headlining Scala, giving fans an amazing opportunity to watch him live, listen to exclusive tracks and ultimately just have an amazing time!

Angel headlining Scala - October 25th 

Angel playfully interacted with the audience and then opened the show with his popular single 'Go in, Go Hard'. 'Popstar' and 'Raining Girls' wer'e also received with great excitement. 

He took out time to thank the fans for the success of his number 1 single 'Wonderful' before cutting in with 'How can I loose' with Grand Hustles 'Chipmunk' stepping out onto the stage getting the crowd on their feet. 

Energy levels just kept on rising when Sneakbo stepped on the stage to perform 'Ride out' one of Angels bests. 

With Angels career still on a high from the success's of the past couple of years, Angels future in 2013 is looking bright with many surprises and the exciting news of his first Official Album 'About Time' coming out in March.

Angel on the set of his exclusive music video 'the worlds'

   As a supporter I ensure to follow Angel on twitter allowing me to keep up to date with the latest details on single and album releases, tours, concerts etc. He also has a youtube channel where vlogs are frequently posted giving us an insight of the hard work that goes behind the music.

Through this I have come to find that angel frequently responds and interacts with fans by following, retweeting and holding contest to win 'Angel' merchandise (which is also a form of promotion and distribution). I will try and send some emails to see if he would be willing to answer a few questions for my media project.

Thanks for reading!

Angel Working Hard on New material for 2013

The buzz: "Angel is a triple threat. Singer-songwriter, multi-

instrumentalist and record producer … Possibly the UK pop and 

R&B industry's best-kept secret" –

R&B Research..

For my final sub genre, I have decided to pick R&B as this is the genre that I'm most familiar with and listen to most.

R&B is an abbreviation of 'rhythm and blues' however, over the years this genre of music has really developed. 

Before, a typical R&B sound would consist of saxophone, piano and a smooth vocal arrangement but now an R&B track is more likely to have Electronic influences with a typical hip hop/dance inspired beat and from this many successful artists such as Beyonce, Ne-Yo, Usher, Trey-Songz, Chris Brown and Mariah Carey have come about who's music is known and appreciated by many.

The target audience of R&B back in the 80's was for a more mature crowd around 20 years and over but now the target audience ranges from about 13-25

The Cultural Origins of R&B are Early 1980's North America, New York City, Atlanta, Chicago etc

Here is a clip of some R&B music from the 80's. When compared with the clip below

It is easy to spot the drastic change and development of the genre.


Chris Brown - Dont Wake Me Up
2012 R&B Music 

'WE LOVE POP' Analysis - Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread..


In this post I will be analyzing the front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads of two music magazines. The first magazine I will be focusing on is 'We Love Pop'.

From the magazines masthead/logo alone, it is quite easy to recognize its target audience which appears to be aimed at teenage girls between the ages of 12-15. The same can also be said concerning the genre as the word 'pop' is included in the magazine name allowing the target audience to recognize the musical genre straight away without having to read the contents.  

The title of the magazine is very plain and simple as it only contains two words 'we' and 'pop' and the word which should have been 'love' is replaced with an actual love heart highlighting the magazines informal nature which again is appealing to the younger audience as the majority of teenagers are associated with slang and informality. 
Then studying the colour scheme, I found that there were many bold, bright, stand-out colours that ran through out the magazine. From the front cover alone, you can see bright hot pink and contrasting electric green text all around the page. This technique helps the magazine to stand out from the others and catch the eye of potential buyers.

The layout of the front cover is very busy but still sticks to some typical conventions of a magazine e.g. the main image which is placed directly in the centre, the other images and texts which fall around it and the smaller images located around the edges. 

The main font used is 'Sans Serif' which is bold and simple to read, again catering to the target audience of typical teenagers.

The front cover of the magazine contains a medium long shot of pop singer Cher Lloyd posing with a camera. This image links in with the text and the use of semiotics is obvious as the caption underneath her says 'Little Miss Swagger Finally Snaps!' the word 'snap' referring to the motion of taking a picture (with a camera).

Underneath the Main image of Cher, there are a number of smaller images which have also been put there to attract potential buyers attention and give the target audience a glimpse of what else they will be receiving if they decide to purchase. Plugs (information about the contents of a magazine given on the front cover) are also used e.g. 'THE WANTED SPECIAL POSTER... LIVE AND IN YOUR BEDROOM' helping to attract positive attention. 

Cher's clothing is kept very basic in order to let the readers main focus be on the prop (camera) more than anything else. Cher also has a shocked and excited facial expression which is a technique used in the hope of drawing in readers. Her expression also represents fun and youthfulness again making it suitable for its teenage target audience.


When analyzing the contents page, I found that the magazine continues on with its informal nature by using typical teen phrases and also through the continuation of bright and bold text. Even though the language is informal it is obvious that it is aimed at mature teenagers by looking at some of the different topics and play-on-words used which can be found on the contents page. 

There is also a puff on the left hand corner of the contents page which says ' FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' which is a technique used to boost up the magazines status and makes the reader curious as to what might be inside. There are many different size images all around the page and large numbers to help readers find the pages the want to read quickly and effectively.

They also have an editors letter which follows the conventions of a typical magazine and allows the audience to get to know a bit about the 'we love pop' team.


Lastly the double page spread shows a large dominant image of Cher on the right, quite similar to the one on the front cover. The fact that Cher is posing with her hand over her mouth conveys to the reader that Cher is giving out exclusive information about herself that they didn't already know.

There is an imperative used to draw in the audience which says 'forget everything you think you know about Cher LLoyd and ready this interview now!' making the audience feel as if they have to read the interview otherwise they will be missing out on interesting information.

They also use the contrasting colours technique again using pink, yellow and black to make the interview stand out and be eye catching. Also, in many of the 'we love pop' interviews they like like to highlight important parts of the interview (this time in yellow) to help quickly guide the reader to the most interesting areas.