Monday 14 January 2013

Character Profile - Layla

  • Layla is 17 years old 
  • Layla lives in South London with her Mother and two sisters Sarah and Maisie 
  • Layla is currently in college studying Maths, Music, Sport and History
  • She listens to music everyday whenever she can and her favourite genre of music is R&B/(Rap)
  • She finds music relaxing and therapeutic 
  • Her favourite artist at the moment is Chris Brown
  • Layla is majorly influenced by the artists she listens to and decided to get her lip pierced because of him 
  • Layla likes going to concerts and events where here favourite artists will be so she can hear exclusive tracks
  • Layla collects posters (some from magazines) and images of artists she liked to put up around her room 
  • Layla says she doesn't know what she would do If music did not exist... 

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