Monday 14 January 2013

Further Market Research - Survey

To add to my market research I decided to make a survey and post it on twitter to see what people thought. 12 people took the survey and further down you can find the results. I used to conduct the survey.

Here is a screen shot of what the survey looked like and of the website
Media Market Research Questions
Front Cover:
What draws you to the front cover of a music magazine the most?
·         The main Image (4)
·         Smaller Images
·         Stand Out font (3)
·         Headlines and Cover Stories(2)
·         The Price (Low)(3)
Do you prefer large amounts of text to images or more images to text?
(7/12 preferred more text and 5/12 preferred more images)
What type of shot do you prefer for the main Image?
·         Close up
·         Medium close up (6)
·         Mid shot (6)
What would you say is a reasonable price for a music magazine?
·         £1-2 (9)
·         £2-3 (3)
·         £4+  (0)
Double Page Spread:
Do you prefer a main image or lots of smaller images on a double page spread?
(Most people preferred one main image)
Where do you prefer the main image to be?
·         Middle (3)
·         Left (5)
·         Right (4)
Do you prefer more text than there are images, more images than there is text or a good balance of both?
(Everyone picked a good balance of both)
What Colour Scheme is more appealing?
·         Bold and Bright (5)
·         Calm and Subtle but Bold (7)

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