Wednesday 10 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2 ‘How does your media product represent particular social groups?’

Question 2
‘How does your media product represent particular social groups?’

I believe that my magazine represents social groups such as VIBE and BLENDER magazine. This is because I did most of my research on these magazines resulting in my magazine having similar codes, conventions, features and content as they do. 
I will demonstrate this by looking at a few R&B magazines (VIBE) and my own magazine (SOUND PROOF). Firstly the posing and positioning of the two images are similar as they are both mid long shots and are located roughly in the center of the page with their bodies facing towards the camera. Both cover artists are giving direct eye contact to the audience which highlights a sense of seriousness and professionalism. The facial expressions on both the artists appear to be quite arrogant which I think connotes confidence, independence and success.

The Mastheads are quite different as the one on the left is larger and the cover artist is blocking some of the text. My masthead however is smaller and easier to read as it is clear and is not being blocked by anything. This was done purposely as it is not as established as the first magazine which is why I did not allow my cover artist to block the masthead in the hopes of avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. Vibe magazine however, is a much more established brand which is why it is not an issue if the masthead is not completely shown.
The lighting of the two images is quite similar as they are both bright and stand out among the text; however the cover artists on the left looks brighter as the photographer probably used professional studio lights to purposely reflect light on the facial area and make the face look brighter. Again, this conforms to the ideology that models look their best in good lighting and hence appeal to this target audience.

When comparing costume choice, I decided to use another VIBE magazine cover however, this time with another female cover artist to show similarities and differences.
From both images, it is clear to see that the costumes are very figure hugging and show a lot of shape and body. This shows social representation at its best as this was done purposely to fit in with the representation of women being associated with femininity and the media portraying their focus on a woman’s physical beauty rather than their actual talent. The image from vibe magazine comes across as very seductive due to her facial expression and the positioning of her hand across her body. The pinky/red colour of the dress that my artist is wearing is also seductive as red usually represents determination, passion and denotes feminine qualities.

The hair styles and accessories used in both magazine covers are quite similar. They both wear gold statement piece jewellery (e.g. the watch and chains) and the hair seems to fall to one side ensuring that the costumes are not completely covered by it. Both costumes are statement pieces as one is lace and skin where the other one is bold and in your face. Lastly, both the artists look as if they are well groomed, very high maintenance and in their best clothing, again conforming to the stereotype of artists wearing their best clothes and accessories when in the public eye.  

Although the second image still carries a sense of femininity and conforms to some extent societal expectations, the cover artist is holding a microphone which indicates that the magazine is music and artist related. However, the image on the left does not have any props to suggest that the magazine is music related.  This could be an indication that the magazine is more to do with fashion and the ‘look’ or beauty side of artists rather than the music itself.

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